Päästessäni nukkekotien pariin tajusin, miksi olen ollut niin sanotusti pienellä tauolla. En vaan päässyt puusta pitemmälle tai tyytyväisyyteen katsellessani nukkekotejani. Onneksi Karla ihanana ystävänä osasi pistää ruotuni pystyyn ja ehdotti, että tekisin listan jokaisesta huoneesta, johon en ollut tyytyväinen ja miksi en ollut siihen tyytyväinen. Listasta tuli pitkä, mutta olin kiitollinen.
Aloitin olohuoneesta.(Työskentelen siis Green Rosen parissa) Maalasin lattian valkoiseksi, tuunasin hieman ompelulipastoa ja tein Tetris- kirjahyllyt.
Karla oli sitä mieltä, että takaseinän valkoinen paneeli ja lattia jotenkin riiteli toistensa kanssa ja olin samaa mieltä, mutta ajattelin, että kyllähän tuo menettelee. Karla kuitenkin tuumasi, että siihen voisi laittaa uuden poikkipaneelin ja ajateltuani uusi puupinta ei olisi hullumpi. Niinpä Kympin uutisten aikaan alkoi paneelien purkaminen ja sanonpa vaan, että se oli sen arvoista-ja, että Karla on maailman paras saamaan minut tekemään asioita :D
For the past week I've been spending my spring break and I've loved every second of it. Days have just gone by so nicely when you get to draw as much as you want and just daydream not worrying about homework. Don't worry, I've also been outside doing sports and stuff. And so on Friday I decided to fill the promise I gave Karla; making dollhouses!
When I took a look at my dollhouses I remembered why i had been having a little break with them. I just didn't know how to continue, i was stuck because I didn't like how they have turned out so far. Luckily Karla gave me a good tip: write a list of the rooms you're unhappy with and then why aren't you happy with them. The list became long but I'm thankful because the list is a really good way to get things organized.
I started from the upstairs living room ( the dollhouse I'm working on is Green Rose). I painted the floor white , I changed the look of the sewing table and built Tetris bookshelves. After that Karla said that it looks like the back wall and the floor don't go that well together and I agreed but thought it's not that big of a deal. Karla suggested that I could put on new panels and I thought about it and came to the fact that some wood wouldn't be actually that bad. So after the Ten o'clock news I started to rip off the old panels. Afterwards I have to say it was worth it and I love the living room! I also have to say that Karla is the best person to get me to do things :D
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Aloitustilanne / starting point |
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Paneelit revittynä pois/ the panels are ripped off |
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Lopputuulos/ how it turned out |
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Lähikuvaa, rakastan kyllä noita hyllyjä, haluaisin itselleni samanlaiset/ A close up, I so love those shelves, I'd like some for myself as well :D |